Tag «notification»

HEWMEN Cell COVID-19 Project End of Life

Thank you for participating in The HEWMEN Cell project to help fight COVID-19. The work you did through the Cell app was able to identify compounds that show major promise in combating COVID-19. READ MORE about these successes and the HEWMEN Cell COVID-19 edition End of Life. Now that this phase of research is at …

Keeping it Holstered: A Novel Approach to Combating COVID-19


What if we could just prevent the spike protein from ever being able to interact with the body?  That’s the question Dr. John Wise from the Drug Discovery Group at Southern Methodist University asked after looking at all the data and experimental results created from the molecular docking experiments being performed.  HEWMEN is currently performing …

You made a difference. Here is the proof!

Milestone Badge

Testing our first set of compounds, we were looking to see if we could find any that were capable of binding over the “spike protein”.  This protein is what allows the SARS-CoV-2 virus that causes COVID-19 to interact with the lungs and inject its genetic material and wreak havoc on our bodies (visualized here). Well, …

Update Notification (version 1.0.0)


There’s an awesome update waiting for you in the Windows Store! Update now to get the release version of the HEWMEN Cell app. We’ve been super-hard at work on all the final details in preparation for the launch of the We Are HEWMEN campaign to find a treatment for COVID-19. Some of the improvements: We …

Thanks for being a Beta Tester

Early Access

Please check the Microsoft Store regularly for updates. If you have problems using the Cell app or see something that doesn’t seem right, please report it to support@bmt.world

Beta Milestone – 5K Tasks Completed

Happy Earth

Major thanks to our amazing Beta Testers! You’ve already processed 5,000 test results! When we launch our upcoming public campaign against COVID-19, you’ll be able to proudly tell others you’ve been in the fight since Day One.